نقطة نور
مرحبا بك عزيزي………إسمحلي ان أرحب بك فى منتدى نقطة نور
فكم أتمنى أن تتسع صفحات منتدياتنا لقلمك ، وما يحمله من عبير مشاعرك ومواضيعك ، وآرائك الشخصية
التي سنشارك الطرح والإبداع فيها
فأهلاً بك قلماً مميزاً وقلبا ً حاضراً ، فنرجو ان تستمر معنا بتسجيل بياناتك لتنضم لمنتدى نقطة نور

انضم إلى المنتدى ، فالأمر سريع وسهل

نقطة نور
مرحبا بك عزيزي………إسمحلي ان أرحب بك فى منتدى نقطة نور
فكم أتمنى أن تتسع صفحات منتدياتنا لقلمك ، وما يحمله من عبير مشاعرك ومواضيعك ، وآرائك الشخصية
التي سنشارك الطرح والإبداع فيها
فأهلاً بك قلماً مميزاً وقلبا ً حاضراً ، فنرجو ان تستمر معنا بتسجيل بياناتك لتنضم لمنتدى نقطة نور
نقطة نور
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

نقيب الصحفيين

اذهب الى الأسفل

نقيب الصحفيين Empty نقيب الصحفيين

مُساهمة من طرف admin الثلاثاء مايو 11, 2010 11:52 am

Makram Mohamed Ahmed
• He was born in the province of Menoufiya 25/06/1935.
• He obtained a Bachelor of Arts Department of Philosophy 1957 - Cairo.
• He began his newspaper editor, Department of accidents 1958, Al-Ahram editor of the Investigations Section.
• Appointed Director of the Office in Damascus, Al-Ahram 1959 / 1960.
• Served as a military correspondent in Yemen, 1967, and then a military correspondent in Gaza when Israeli forces Dltha and left on a boat sailing to Port Said on 06/10/1967.
• served as Chairman of the Investigations Section, and then press secretary to the editor and then director of central-Ahram Editor-in 1970.
• Appointed as Chairman of the Board of Dar crescents and chief editor of magazine photographer in 1981 for 24 years.
• the first journalist to write a series on the Israeli leaders and the first to broadcast news of the Egyptian-Israeli peace treaty, and the first who wrote extensively about the need to expand the dialogue with the Israelis Z month number 73 following the war directly.
• covered the war in Yemen and the war in Algeria, Morocco and the Eritrean Liberation Movement and the Movement for the Liberation of South Yemen and captured by British forces in the port of Aden.
• Mustapha was awarded the Secretary of the Grand Prix of the Press Syndicate and honored the University of Cairo, Ain Shams and Alexandria, and was awarded the Asahap Arab Club Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
• was the first Egyptian Sinai into the authorization of the United Nations before the evacuation of Israeli troops two months where he wrote a series of articles on the Sinai before the Israelis withdrew.
• met with most of the Arab leaders in dialogues published in Al-Ahram newspaper and magazine photographer.
• Elected captain of the Egyptian journalists for three sessions happened in all the largest number of votes of the Assembly in the history of the Journalists Syndicate.
• was instrumental in reviving Egypt's nuclear program, when he wrote a series of articles in the newspaper Al-Ahram called for the Arabs gave up their guard and focus on building nuclear plants in the peaceful country.
• Write a column daily newspaper Al Ahram, published an article a week, every Saturday, and writes a weekly column in the magazine [photographer]
• Member of the Board of Studies in the future for the Middle East and several other research centers, and a member of the Egyptian Council for Foreign Relations, a member of the Shura Council of Egypt for longer than one four consecutive sessions.
• Press the only Arab who has visited the late President Yasser Arafat when he was detained for more than a year in the city of Ramallah, and he spent a full day Z Trek car started from Cairo and faced the arrogance of the Israelis in more than twenty-point inspection and a security barrier before reaching him, and the publication of this meeting magazine [photographer] launched by Arafat in this dialogue Ihtp famous (Iajpl what Ihdk Wind).
• to be assassinated in the 06/03/1987 from one of the splinter groups of the Jihad organization, "the survivors of the fire."
• contributed to the first review of the ideas of the Islamic Group when he met with their leadership for more than four weeks in a prison [Scorpion] and the first to publish articles on the audit Mufahen wrong for these groups and the publication of the first group photo for them in Egyptian prisons.
• Author of several books, including:
* Book of the Revolution in the South Island.
* A book about the conversations with the Israelis.
* Book a dialogue with the President.
* A book about Yemen.
* Book of dialogue or face audits for Islamic groups.
* The Egyptian Book of nuclear power, the challenges and the reasons for failure.
• Married with two daughters, and son and eight grandchildren.
نقيب الصحفيين
نقيب الصحفيين

رقم العضوية : 1
نقيب الصحفيين 17916332
عدد المساهمات : 230
تاريخ التسجيل : 11/05/2010
العمر : 89
المهنة : نقيب الصحفيين والأمين العام لإتحاد الصحين العرب


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